Sub connection_PLC1()
' 1. 使用 <CTRL+SPACE> 或 <CTRL+I> 快捷键打开含所有对象和函数的列表
' 2. 使用 HMI Runtime 对象写入代码。
' 示例:HmiRuntime.Screens("Screen_1")。
' 3. 使用 <CTRL+J> 快捷键创建对象引用。
'**** Initialization ****
'During initialization the default connection is
'saved into the memory of connections (connected_to).
If SmartTags("connected_to") = "" Then
SmartTags("connected_to") = "PLC_1"
End If
'**** Reset ****
'Reset of connection brake detection for PLC_1
SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") = 1
'**** Fault detection ****
'Incrementation of the brake detection value for the connection to PLC_2
If SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") <= 10 Then
SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") = SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") +1
End If
'**** Switch over ****
'is the limit of the status tag for the connection to PLC_2 reached, the connection to PLC_1 will
'switch the data connection.
'Function Usage: ChangeConnection Connection, Address, Slot, Rack
If SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") >= 11 Then
If SmartTags("connected_to") = "PLC_2" Then
ChangeConnection "PLC_Changer_12", "", 2, 0
SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") = 100
SmartTags("connected_to") = "PLC_1"
ElseIf SmartTags("connected_to") = "PLC_1" Then
SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") = 100
End If
End If
'**** Reintegration ****
'after a full connection brake the first repaired connection will activate the data connection
If SmartTags("connected_to") = "connection lost" Then
ChangeConnection "PLC_Changer_12", "", 2, 0
SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") = 100
SmartTags("connected_to") = "PLC_1"
End If
End Sub
Sub connection_PLC2()
' 1. 使用 <CTRL+SPACE> 或 <CTRL+I> 快捷键打开含所有对象和函数的列表
' 2. 使用 HMI Runtime 对象写入代码。
' 示例:HmiRuntime.Screens("Screen_1")。
' 3. 使用 <CTRL+J> 快捷键创建对象引用。
'**** Initialization ****
'During initialization the default connection is
'saved into the memory of connections (connected_to).
If SmartTags("connected_to") = "" Then
SmartTags("connected_to") = "PLC_1"
End If
'**** Reset ****
'Reset of connection brake detection for PLC_2
SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") = 1
'**** Fault detection ****
'Incrementation of the brake detection value for the connection to PLC_1
If SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") <= 10 Then
SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") = SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") +1
End If
'**** switch over ****
'Is the limit of the status tag for the connection to PLC_1 reached,
'the connection to PLC2 will switch the data connection.
'Function Usage: ChangeConnection Connection, Address, Slot, Rack
If SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") >= 11 Then
If SmartTags("connected_to") = "PLC_1" Then
ChangeConnection "PLC_Changer_12", "", 2, 1
SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") = 100
SmartTags("connected_to") = "PLC_2"
ElseIf SmartTags("connected_to") = "PLC_2" Then
SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") = 100
End If
End If
'**** reintegration ****
'After a full connection brake the first repaired connection will activate the data connection.
If SmartTags("connected_to") = "connection lost" Then
ChangeConnection "PLC_Changer_12", "", 2, 1
SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") = 100
SmartTags("connected_to") = "PLC_2"
End If
End Sub
Sub connection_lost()
' 1. 使用 <CTRL+SPACE> 或 <CTRL+I> 快捷键打开含所有对象和函数的列表
' 2. 使用 HMI Runtime 对象写入代码。
' 示例:HmiRuntime.Screens("Screen_1")。
' 3. 使用 <CTRL+J> 快捷键创建对象引用。
'**** Deactivation ****
'If the connections are not able to reset there status tag back to "1" they will be marked with 100 (disabled).
If SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") >= 5 Then
SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") = 100
End If
If SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") >= 5 Then
SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") = 100
End If
'If both connections are marked with "disabled", the connection memory will be set to "connection_lost"
If SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") = 100 And SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") = 100 Then
SmartTags("connected_to") = "connection lost"
End If
'**** Setting fault flag ****
'In each cycle of 1 minute the status tags of the connections will be set to 5.
If SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") < 5 Then
SmartTags("con_state_PLC1") = 5
End If
If SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") < 5 Then
SmartTags("con_state_PLC2") = 5
End If
End Sub